Hidden Storage Spots Around The House

Hidden Storage Spots Around The House

Hidden Storage Spots Around The House 

What’s the big deal about storage & organizing? Well, if you are anything like I am, this is the time of year I’m all about storage and organization. Call it a goal or a New Year’s Resolution but this is something I do throughout the year. So with that, I’m going to share some of my favorite hidden spaces for the home and hopefully, it will inspire you for your remodeling goals in the future!

Stairs Store Well

We have been using the staircase all this while to climb up and walk down, but interestingly the urbane concept designers have introduced a whole new utility value in them.  These could be used as brilliant hidden storage units or storage devices.  You could set up lockers behind the stairs for storing both small and larger objects. Too bad I  don’t have stairs as this is a fantastic idea.

Bathtub Secret Storage

Did you know how much storage space your bathtub surprisingly has? Underneath and around the sides of those tubs, don’t just let air fill in the space, rather, make constructive use of it with compartmented store and keep your bathing toiletries. Smart bathing and smart storing, isn’t it?

The Hidden Book Box

Did you ever think a box could be dressed with fake book spines? Avoid all the clutter and make your own, or purchase this brilliant camouflage fake book storage for full proof security. Also give your old books a new cool look, using it as a bookshelf for the old books that needs to be out of sight.

 Headboard Storage

Of course the cushiony headboard bed helps you throw out all the tension from your head and relax,  but the space between the padded panel and outlay of the bed can be used as a secret compartment for storage area. Isn’t that mind-blowing?

Hidden Laundry

No space for laundry? Create your own full-fledged laundry anywhere in the house, and let it hide behind the doors. Behind the sliding bookshelves or at any corner, a wonderful hidden laundry storage room is a wonderful idea.

Under the Bed

It is great to know you sleep on the bed and demand it to be tidy all the time. What about the space under the bed?  Modern bedding companies offer these under-the-space storage solutions. A lift-up-hardware, where the mattress can be tilt up to access the space below, is an ideal storage solution. And you need not drench your strength to lift the mattress; because your bed promises to only rest.

Impressed? If you are interested in updating storage or creating more storage for the new year with a home remodel, contact peakconstruction.biz!