4 Signs You Have a Mold or Mildew Problem

Mold and mildew growth is a more common household problem than most people think. Unfortunately, failing to detect and remedy a mold issue fast enough can lead to serious and even life-threatening illnesses in families and pets. Breathing in mold and mildew spores in a damp environment can cause nasal and throat irritation, coughing, respiratory […]

To Knock or Not to Knock – That is the Kitchen Remodeling Question.

Looking to see what we can do to your kitchen? Check out Peak Construction’s kitchen remodeling portfolio at: https://peakconstruction.biz/portfolio/kitchen-and-bath-portfolio/ ______________________________________________________________________________ HOW TO TIME YOUR KITCHEN REMODEL When you think about remodeling your kitchen, you want to know how long it’s going to take. Sometimes your remodel coincides with an event like a family reunion or […]

New Year’s Resolution For Your Hudson Valley Home

The New Year is a time for many to make their resolutions on how they want to improve themselves and their life, but don’t overlook making New Year’s Resolutions for your home.  This is a perfect time of year to start determining what changes you want to make over the coming year that can help […]

Hidden Storage Spots Around The House

Hidden Storage Spots Around The House  What’s the big deal about storage & organizing? Well, if you are anything like I am, this is the time of year I’m all about storage and organization. Call it a goal or a New Year’s Resolution but this is something I do throughout the year. So with that, […]