3 Reasons to Replace Your Siding This Fall
Maybe you’re sick of scraping and painting your home’s exterior. Maybe you’re thinking of putting your home on the market in the spring. Perhaps you have company coming for the holidays, and you really want to wow them with the look of your home. No matter what your reasons, if you’re thinking of replacing your exterior siding, here’s why you should do it this fall.
Fall Weather Brings Optimal Conditions
Like most building materials, vinyl siding expands in the heat. If you schedule your siding replacement for summer, panels stand in the sun during installation and can be nailed too tightly to your home. When the temperature plummets in winter, stressed siding can warp and crack.
Don’t wait until winter to re-side – vinyl becomes stiff and brittle when the weather gets too cold. Have your siding installed when contractors have workable materials and can install them at a comfortable temperature.
Fall Completion Means Winter Savings
If your old siding has wood rot, cracks, or gaps, heat can escape your home. Replace siding now for improved energy efficiency. Make your home even more efficient by adding insulation or a Tyvek home wrap while your siding is being replaced.
Boost Curb Appeal and Wow Factor
When you install new siding, you make your home’s exterior look like new again. If you’re thinking of selling your home, real estate professionals will tell you one of the best investments you can make involves adding curb appeal. Attract potential buyers and get back some of what you invested when you sell your home at or near your asking price. When you improve your property, your neighbors might want to do so as well.
Fall is the perfect time to complete your siding replacement before the holidays. If you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas festivities, imagine welcoming your guests with a fresh home exterior.
Increase your home’s value, lower energy costs, and beautify your entire neighborhood. Contact Peak Construction to see our many siding options today. You can also visit our portfolio on siding as well.