New You. New House. New Goals or Resolutions.

With the new year upon us, most of us are thinking about our personal resolutions, but what about resolutions for your home? Whether it’s organizing what’s already in your home or taking a little time to repairing things around your home, your home could use a little TLC. Here are a few tips that may help you:

Now is the perfect time to use that money you’ve been putting away to fix those costly repairs, like a leaky roof or planning on a new deck for the summer. Think about renovations around your home that can make the space work better for you and your family.

Spruce Up Your Home!
The cost of repairs is sometimes too much for some people, so another way to fix up your home is to decorate it. It’s cheaper, and it can make your home look like new again. Find decorative pillows for the couch, hang up photos or art.  You can even paint a room or two! Even incorporate items that are wasting away in your storage to change things up.

De-clutter and Organize
If boxes of holiday décor and out of season clothing are keeping you from having space in your home, it’s time to de-clutter your house. Different ways to accomplish this could be hosting yard sales or selling at a consignment store. Donating is also a good way to get rid of unneeded items. Once you’ve done away with what you don’t need, organize what you have to fit your space better.

Clean Your Fireplace
An unclean fireplace can lead to scary situations so you might want to get it cleaned if you haven’t had it cleaned in over a year. If you’re having problems with your fireplace, that would also be a good reason to schedule an inspection. If you’re not having any issues with your fireplace, then maybe just clean and reorganize your mantle display.

Home Energy Audit
If you have a high energy bill, then calling a professional home energy audit could help you save a lot of money this year. They would be able to identify big savings towards your home energy bill.

The New Year isn’t just the right time to focus on yourself, but on your home, as well. What can you do to make your home more to your liking? Feel free to check out our portfolio for inspiration or download our remodeling whitepaper for tips.

Until next time, have a great week!

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