Peak Construction Educates Community About Fire Safety Month

Fire Prevention Week | Peak Construction | RestorationHave you noticed how we are drawn to fire at such an early age? I mean think about it — we are in awe by the flickering flame of the birthday candle that is about to be blown out! In the fall and winter months, we love listening to the crackling sound of the fireplace. In the spring and summer we are enjoying the outdoors with camp fires or even lighting fireworks. Fire is all around us and it’s intriguing with so much beauty and wonder…. yet it can also be a devastating experience.

October is Fire Safety Month – with one specific week being highlighted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as Fire Prevention Week: October 4-10, 2015. This year’s theme is “Hear the Beep While You Sleep”. You might recall a few months ago New York Legislators passed a law about smoke detector batteries. Please read out recent blog for more information.

Throughout this month we will be sharing great tips to keep your home, family and business safe!

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